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Mastering the Art: Soccer drills for improving ball control and dribbling skills

Kid practicing soccer drills

Aspiring young soccer players often dream of becoming skillful dribblers, able to weave through the opposition with ease while maintaining tight control of the ball. Developing excellent ball control and dribbling skills is not just about talent; it's about practice, dedication, and mastering the fundamentals. In this blog post, we will explore several valuable soccer drills to help young players improve their ball control and dribbling skills.

1. Get Comfortable with the Ball

The first step in improving ball control and dribbling is to become one with the soccer ball. Spend time daily with the ball at your feet. Dribble around your yard, practice juggling, and learn to manipulate the ball in various ways using different parts of your feet.

2. Master the Basics

To become a great dribbler, you must master the fundamental skills. Practice dribbling in a straight line first, focusing on keeping the ball close to your feet. As you progress, incorporate quick cuts and turns to enhance your agility and control.

3. Use Both Feet

Being a one-footed dribbler limits your options on the field. Work on dribbling equally well with both feet. This will make you a more versatile and unpredictable player, as defenders won't know which way you'll go.

4. Improve Your Touch

A soft and controlled touch is essential for dribbling. Practice trapping and controlling the ball with different parts of your body—feet, thighs, and chest. The better your touch, the more confidence you'll have when dribbling under pressure.

5. Develop Peripheral Vision

Dribbling isn't just about looking at the ball. Develop your peripheral vision by scanning the field regularly. This will help you anticipate opponents' movements and make better decisions while dribbling.

6. Practice Change of Pace

Soccer is a game of unpredictability. Practice changing your dribbling speed. Speed up to beat a defender, then slow down to maintain control and assess your options. Changing pace can leave defenders flat-footed.

7. Shield the Ball

Learning to shield the ball effectively is a key component of ball control. Use your body to protect the ball from defenders. Keep your body between the ball and the opponent, and use your arm for balance.

8. Repetition is Key

Improving ball control and dribbling skills takes time and repetition. Set aside time for daily drills and exercises. Consistent practice will lead to noticeable improvement over time.

9. Play Games

One-on-one matches are fantastic for improving dribbling skills. Challenge your friends or teammates to one-on-one games, where you focus on using your dribbling skills to beat opponents.

10. Study the Pros

Watch professional soccer matches and pay close attention to how elite players control the ball and dribble in tight spaces. Try to replicate their moves in your own practice sessions.


Becoming a skilled dribbler and mastering ball control is an achievable goal for young soccer players with dedication and practice. Remember, there are no shortcuts to success in soccer. It takes time and effort to become proficient in these skills. By following these tips and committing to consistent practice, you can greatly enhance your ball control and dribbling abilities, making you a more valuable asset to your youth soccer team. So, lace up your cleats, hit the field, and dribble your way to greatness!

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